Certificación en Educación Bilingüe

¿Por qué estudiar Educación Bilingüe?

  • 100% en Línea
  • Te preparamos en un área de mayor demanda.
  • El certificado que ofrece Antillean es es de nivel más alto que un bachillerato.
  • Está diseñada para ofrecerse a distancia.
  • El programa está diseñado para ser completado en 1 año.
  • Contamos con ayudas económicas si cualificas (Préstamos estudiantiles).

Requisitos de Admisión

  1. Completar la solicitud para estudios graduados.
  2. Realizar el pago de la cuota de admisión, no reembolsable.
  3. Someter transcripciones oficiales de todas las universidades o colegios asistidos.
  4. Presentar dos (2) cartas de recomendación.
  5. Redactar un ensayo donde explique su propósito y  objetivos profesionales como resultado de estudios graduados (máximo dos páginas).
  6. Firmar el documento Estilo de Vida comprometiéndose a aceptar el estilo de vida de nuestra institución.
  7. Completar y firmar formulario Documentación Permanente.
  8. Si es becado por los fondos federales de Título II del Departamento de Educación de Puerto Rico deberá firmar el relevo de divulgación de información académica.
  9. Poseer un grado de Bachillerato en Educación de una Universidad o colegio acreditado en los Estados Unidos, o su equivalente.
  10. Mostrar evidencia de haber completado los siguientes cursos, o sus equivalentes, a nivel sub-graduado con una nota no menor de C.
    EDUC 104 Filosofía de la Educación
    EDUC 203 Fundamentos Sociales de la Educación
    EDUC 200 Crecimiento y Desarrollo Humano
    EDUC 301 Tecnología Educativa
    EDUC 231 Estadística I
  11. Tener una entrevista con el Decano/a de la Escuela de Educación.
  12. Demostrar mediante una prueba diagnóstica que se ofrecerá en la plataforma del curso, que posee los conocimientos y destrezas en el uso y manejo de la computadora; así como también en la búsqueda de información mediante páginas electrónicas.


Código Curso Créditos
EDCI/RELB 511 Métodos de Enseñanza de Jesús 3
EDCI 639 Implicaciones en educación multicultural 3
HUEN 601 Metodología educación bilingüe K 12 3
HUEN 621 Adquisición del lenguaje y avalúo 3
HUEN 622 Métodos de investigación en educación bilingüe 3
HUEN 635 Fundamentos históricos, socioculturales y legales en la educación bilingüe 3
HUEN 645 Tópicos especiales en bilingüismo 3
HUEN 646 Análisis de la literatura de los niños y adolescentes 3
HUEN 647 Método de enseñanza de español como segundo idioma 3

Descripción de los Cursos

HUEN 601 – Methodology of Bilingual Education

This course will examine and analyze various methodologies, approaches, strategies, and program models for teaching bilingual education. It provides an overview of the historic and current trends that affect bilingual student. The course will also discuss language learning theories, various instructional strategies for teaching language, and selected issues in teaching bilingual students in the United States and Puerto Rico. This course consists of 45 hours of lecture.

HUEN 621 – Language Acquisition and Assessment

This course analyzes the theories, strategies, assessments, and approaches of language acquisition in both first and second language. It also analyzes the cognitive and affective factors that affect language development and practice. Contributions from the fields of linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociology, psychology, and anthropology are also discussed. This course consists of 45 hours of lecture.

HUEN 622 – Research Methods of Bilingual Education

This course intends to prepare competent students in the area of bilingual education research in the teaching of English and Spanish as a second language. It focuses on research design, conceptual framework, and ways to analyze data. Students will apply the material discussed in previous courses while carrying out a research project related to the teaching of English and Spanish in a classroom setting. This course consists of 45 lecture hours and 15 of labs.

HUEN 635 – Historical, Socio-cultural and Legal Foundations of Bilingual Education

This course provides an analysis and an overview of the historical, legal, political and socio-cultural foundations of bilingualism and bilingual education in the US, including critical educational issues arising from language diversity and their possible solutions through appropriate teaching and learning program strategies. This course will provide an opportunity to deal with the realities of the classroom embedded in a larger historical, legal and sociological context. Not only will it trace the historical development of bilingual programs, but it will include a study of Federal and State legal compliance requirements for bilingual programs, as well as relevant body of court cases on related issues. This course consists of 45 hours of lecture.

HUEN 645 – Special Topics: Methods in Reading and Writing in Bilingual Education

Analysis of selected topics in the area of bilingualism that are not emphasized in other courses. Topics that could be included are: literature, sociocultural and language skills assessment, among others.

HUEN 647 – Methodology of Teaching Spanish as a Second Language

This course will discuss various basic principles and learning theories for the teaching and learning of Spanish as a second language. The purpose of the course is to help teachers in the development and implementation of adequate strategies and methodologies. There is also an emphasis in research, and methods, and materials used in the teaching of language arts. This course consists of 45 lecture hours and 15 of labs.

EDCI 639 – Implications in Multicultural Education

It focuses on the social factors in the design and implementation of multicultural education in Puerto Rico, the United States and other countries. The topics included are: demographic implications, communication between cultures, race relations, and the involvement of parents and community in the education.

EDCI / RELB 511 – Teaching Methods of Jesus

Study of Jesus, the Great Teacher, teaching methods, its applications to student growth. It will explore Jesus’ teaching methodology and its application to the classroom in order to make the twenty-first century teacher a change agent to promote transformation in the lives of students. It performs a comparison and contrast to the most relevant educational theories.


Se otorgarán becas de hasta $4,000 al año a estudiantes que tengan la intención de desempeñarse como maestros en escuelas públicas o privadas de enseñanza primaria o secundaria que brindan servicios a familias de escasos recursos.

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